Amp Up The Quality.
Bring Down The House.

Wilson Stevens

- Packing Dance Floors Since 1987
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We Arethe most sought-after bands on the East Coast

Introducing their musical talent to families and companies who want their event to sound and feel like no other.

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One Step Ahead
Groove Alliance
The Hub
The Standard
The Connection
Our Promise

We help bring unforgettable events to life, by managing the best bands, delivering impeccable service, and getting every last detail right.

Wilson Stevens Productions
Being a musician is the difference

We know the difference between background noise and music that gets people out of their seats. That’s why our team is here for you, with event planning personnel and 30+ years of experience, to get every detail right.

about us
We Area company built by musicians, run by musicians.
our musical roots
Experience Matters

With 30+ years of private event experience, plus the largest network of artists throughout the U.S., we deliver a level of quality our competition can’t touch.

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October 23th, 2024 - DeCordova Museum, Lincoln, MA

"Dear Katie and Cheryl,

It’s been exactly one month since our wedding at the deCordova. I just wanted to send you a note to say THANK YOU!! for the phenomenal music and audio management for the event. As you had promised, you handled everything wonderfully, the music was fantastic, everyone had a wonderful time. The whole dance set is a blur to me - i think i had so much fun! Rudi performing with the band was cherry on the top - what a total surprise for us! Thank you for allowing that to happen- it was so special."

-Lynn S.

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Magic Happenswhen music inspires the moment.
don't take our word
Creativity & Passion

Music is not just our business—it’s in our blood.

In an industry that often feels corporate and bottom-line driven, our second-generation family business is a unique breed. We’re passionate about music, we love what we do, and we get personally invested in each and every customer relationship. 

We’d love to hear from you. Give us a call at 978.256.0360 or email us. e-mail us Wilson Stevens Productions
Copyright © 2025 Wilson Stevens Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
71 Commercial Street, #167, Boston, MA 02109 | Website Design by Verse Media
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